Today I've got 52 SEL Task Cards you can download and print!
Each one has a brief, real-life scenario that kids can relate to.
Along with simple prompts to help you talk about feelings, friendships, and making smart decisions.
Here's a quick preview:
1. Self-Awareness Scenarios: Reflecting on emotions, learning from mistakes, recognizing personal strengths...
2. Self-Regulation Scenarios: Managing impulses, coping with frustration, staying organized and setting goals...
3. Social Awareness Scenarios: Supporting and including others, noticing social dynamics, caring for the community...
4. Responsible Decision-Making Scenarios: Making ethical choices, solving problems creatively, using good judgment online...
5. Interpersonal Skills Scenarios: Building relationships, communicating effectively, dealing with social challenges...
They're designed for K through 8th.
And you can easily modify any Task Card for younger or older kids!